Mrs & Mr Right finden (D) Finding Mrs & Mrs Right (English)

Immer noch Single. Aber die Sehnsucht nach dem Traumpartner lässt Sie nicht los. Hier lesen Sie, wie Sie endlich Zweisamkeit genießen können.

Susan Heat Liebesdiät Secco Rosé

Susan Heat – Die Liebesdiät :DD

Unfreiwillig Single
Eigentlich haben Sie das Singleleben ganz schön satt. Die Vorteile haben Sie nun lange genug ausgekostet. Jetzt wird es Zeit für den Traumpartner an Ihrer Seite. Aber wo ist sie, die schöne Unbekannte, mit der Sie zukünftig durchs Leben gehen. Und wo ist er, der Traummann, mit dem Sie fortan glücklich sind?
Schon mal vorab. Für jeden Menschen gibt es das richtige Gegenstück. Suchen Sie oder lassen Sie sich finden. Ein paar Tipps sollten Sie beachten, und schon sind Sie kein Single mehr.

Eure Susan Heat – Love & Life Beraterin, Buchautorin, TV-Expertin

Engish Summary
Fit for the dream partner

Still single. But the longing for the dream partner does not let go you. Here you read how you can enjoy, finally, togetherness.

Involuntarily single
Actually, you are fed up with the single life quite a lot. You have enjoyed to the full the advantages now long enough. Now it becomes time for the dream partner on your side. But where is she, the nice stranger with whom you go ithrough life in future? And where is he, the man of dreams with whom you are happy from now on?
Already to begin with. For every person there is the right counterpart. First find yourselves. You should follow a few tips, and already you are no more single.

Fit for the dream partner – so it goes
It is important to fancy itself the dream partner very exactly. Visualise, nevertheless, quite simply this person. This may sound a little strange, but the clearer your image is, the more you pull him / her in your life. Use the power of your thoughts. You do not believe at all what is possible with them. Your subconsciousness ist just waiting only for the right programming. The more exactly this is, the better.

Use your mental strength

Speak with your subconsciousness. Give it the necessary orders. Wish the long-haired blonde with sensuous curves which is just moved after you like you after her and with which your experience a fulfilling partnership with all her thrilling facets.
Write on the paper how your man of dreams should be. Largely, a little daringly, reliably, humorously and carrying on his hands weight.
Let arise these pictures over and over again before your internal eye specifically. Sit down for it from 2 to three times daily and devote your mental force to your dream partner from ten to fifteen minutes. Then you are attentive in future and do not surprise if shortly the woman or the man for life stands in front of you. Don’t worry. You will recognise your dream partner.

And do not forget. Your subconsciousness is already waiting on it!

Treat yourself well!
Warmly regards
Your Susan Heat Love & Life Coach, Lov Doc, Authress, TV-Expert

Susan Heat VIP Single Club Int. – English spoken – on Facebook

Susan Heat VIP Single Club –
What we offer:
Nearly eleven million single there is in Germany – tendency rising. Many of you are involuntarily singles and would like gladly to get a partner at their side. But how can they get their match?
Most experience end with big frustration in the numerous single platforms. Faked photos, profiles and personal records. Men and women lie thickly. Frequently it concerns fast sex. But rarely around love or partnership.

Hot Love ... Heiße Liebe

Susan Heat Liebesdiät Secco Rosé

This we want to change with Susan Heat VIP Single Club.

Which we offer: A lot of information, hints and possibilities. And naturally also singles should get the possibility to find the love here – the dream partner. Gladly the love of their life.

At Susan Heat VIP Single Club
flirts and a lot of information, ideas, hints and more will be exchanged. Certainly exchanging themselves with nice people..

Completely exclusively. With much fun, the easy way of being and the joy in loving, laughter and living!

Susan Heat VIP Single Club
provides a lot of information, a lot of possibilities. A platform for desires and desire fulfilments. For the love, desire, passion and joy of life. Active and active exchange is gladly seen and desired.

Free membership till 12.31.2012
Short time only: Free membership. Everybody who signs up and becomes a member till 31st of December 2011gets a free membership until 31st. of December 2012.

Join in now for free membership!
We look forward to you! And naturally we are happy if you are telling your friends and invite them to the Susan Heat VIP Single Club.

After 31st of December 2011 costs for the membership will be10 Euros/monthly. Become member now
in the Susan Heat VIP Singleclub Int. -English Spoken on facebook.

Yours Susan Heat – Love & Life Coach